Program Studi Statistika
Universitas Hasanuddin

Credit Transfer Regulation

Additional explanation concerning the recognition of credits obtained at other higher education institutions

Concerning student mobility, the government recently (in 2020) launched a program that can increase student mobility. The program is called Merdeka Belajar – Kampus Merdeka (MBKM). By this program, students may take lectures and internships from other universities and institutions. According to the Decree of MoRTHE number 74 of 2021, the recognition of the learning credit for MBKM Program was designed to facilitate learning mobility between institutions for a short-term study period. This guide determines the recognition of semester credits for students who carry out learning outside programs or higher education institutions. The program is managed by The MoRTHE centrally, or universities and validated by the MoRTHE. There are 9(nine) Program of Merdeka Belajar include Indonesian International Student Mobility Awards Program.

To facilitate credit recognition, the following conditions need to be consider

Learning Agreement
Based on Morthe’s rules, there are 9 (nine) mobility schemes that become the references for the joint program’s agreed mobility schemes. This Learning Agreement is intended to give the student the confirmation that the credits achieved in a partner institution are automatically recognized if the agreed rules are followed and all conditions are satisfied. The rules can be seen on Guide Book ILIC from MoRTHE 2020 and Decree of MoRTHE number 74 of 2021.
Institutional rules and regulations
Each University that takes a part in the joint programs has provided a curriculum description of their study program including learning outcomes, SKS, learning and teaching methods, and assessment methods, as well as the catalog of the courses which are offered online. The university also guarantees that students taking outside credit do not need to get additional assignments or exams. without requiring the student to take any additional work or examination. In Hasanuddin University, how to facilitate learning outside the study program, grade conversion guide, equalizing credit and grade guide,  can be seen at the Rector Universitas Hasanuddin Regulation No. 5/UN4/2020 about Implementation of Learning Outside The Study Program in Hasanuddin University Undergraduate Program
Guide Book for Implementation of Learning Outside The Study Program in Hasanuddin University Undergraduate Program.Link
credit transfer guide Universitas HasanuddinLink
Independent Student Exchange Standard Operational GuideLink
Integration of credit mobility into programs
Long before the emergence of an independent learning program, credit transfer was carried out if a student moved from one university to another. Credit transfer is carried out manually by equalizing the courses programmed in other universities with the courses at the destination with the consideration that both subjects are considered equal to have the equivalent of credits and have similar learning outcomes. However, with the independent learning program, BPM must prepare a credit transfer system so that it can apply at any time. With the current curriculum, the process to be carried out is by using a manual process as has been done previously. In the future, BPM will prepare a structuring credit mobility in the curricula facilitates recognition mechanism in the new curriculum that will be discussed in 2022.
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