Research Title | Year | Funding Source | Description |
Effective Model for Handling Stunting and Child Parenting with Community Local Wisdom through the Development of Dummy Logistic Spline Multirespon Nonparametric Regression | 2022-2023 | Penelitian Kompetitif Nasional | Anisa; Anna Islamiyati; Muhammad Zakir |
Development of the Angle Between Subspaces in Determining Similarity of Data Sets | 2021-2022 | Dikti | Anna Islamiyati; Muh. Nur; Mawardi |
Development of Mathematical Models of Infectious Disease Spread Dynamics through Deterministic and Stochastic Approaches: HIV and TB Case Study | 2020-2021 | DRPM-Dikti | Anisa, Kasbawati; Andi Kresna Jaya |
Development of Diabetes Mellitus Disease Treatment Model Through Principal Component Analysis on Multirespon Multipredictor Spline Nonparametric Regression Model | 2020-2021 | Penelitian Kompetitif Nasional | Nurtiti Sunusi; Anna Islamiyati, Anisa |
Obesity Prediction Using Machine Learning Approach on Indonesian Basic Health Research Survey Data | 2020-2021 | Dikti | Sri Astuti Thamrin; Ansariadi; Armin Lawi |
Regulatory Analysis of Yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae Cell Metabolic Process through Enzyme Kinetics Modeling and Metabolic Control Analysis Approach | 2019-2021 | DRPM-Dikti | Anisa; Kasbawati; Dr. Sulfahri |
Development of Risk Level Estimation Method Extreme Rain Through Point Process Approach | 2019-2021 | Dikti | Dr. Nurtiti Sunusi; Dr. Nurdin |
Performance of Statistical Downscaling Model with Dummy Variables Based on Hierarchical and Non-Hierarchical Cluster Techniques for Rainfall Estimation | 2019-2020 | Internal Unhas | Sitti Sahriman |
Development of Point Process-Based Extreme Rainfall Intensity Model and its Implementation in the Preparation of Integrated Planting Calendar Information System for Agricultural Products | 2018-2019 | Dikti | Dr. Nirwan ; Dr. Nurtiti; Dr. Erna |
Development of Spatial Distribution Model of Fever Cases Based on Bayesian Survival Related to Climate Change in Makassar | 2018-2019 | Dikti | Andi Kresna Jaya; Sri Astuti Thamrin, S.Si., M.Stat., Ph.D ; Ansariadi |
Mathematical Modeling and Numerical Simulation of the Effect of Inhibition of Regulatory Enzymes on Major Metabolic Pathways of Saccharomyces cerevisiae Yeast Cells | 2017-2018 | DRPM-Dikti | Anisa; Kasbawati; Dr. Hasnah Natsir |
Meta-Fish: Biodiversity Gradient of Endemic Octiofauna in the Watershed of Maros-Pangkep Global Geopark Area with Edna Metabarcoding Method | 2023 | PFK Internal Unhas | Dr. Georgina, Ambeng, Magdalena Litaay, Wilma j.c Moka |
Development of Generalized Extreme Value Model on Return Level Analysis of Extreme Rainfall in Makassar City | 2023 | PFK Internal Unhas | Dr. Georgina, Dr. Nurtiti, Dr. Erna, Marhamah Nadir, Agustina Ribal |
The Effect of Trigona Honey Administration on Reducing Cerebral edema through the expression of AQP-4 mRNA and TNF-? in patients with Traumatic Brain Injury | 2023 | PFK Internal Unhas | Dr. Nirwan; Nurul Jamala; Rosady Mulyadi; Sri Aliah Ekawati; Yusaumi Ramadhanti Fitri Taufik; Muhammad Taufik Ishak |
Energy Efficiency of Lighting System in Office Buildings Office Building Based on Visual Performance and Visual Perception | 2023 | PFK Internal Unhas | Dr. Anna; Dr. Muh. Zakir; Anisa |
Monthly Rainfall Modeling in South Sulawesi Province Using Ordinary Cokriging Method with Semivariogram Geometric Anisotropy | 2023 | PFK Internal Unhas | Anisa; Dr. Kasbawati; Andi Kresna Jaya |
Determining the Optimization Value of a Transportation Network by Using Graph Labeling | 2023 | PFK Internal Unhas | Nuriti Sunusi; Dr. Nurdin; Amil Kamal Amir; Jurmawati Massalesse, Amil Ahmad Ilham |
Monthly Rainfall Modeling in South Sulawesi Province Using Ordinary Cokriging Method with Semivariogram Geometric Anisotropy | 2023 | PFK Internal Unhas | Sri Astuti Thamrin; Armin Lawi; Sitti Sahriman, S.Si., M.Si; Siswanto, S.Si., M.Si; Anisa, S.Si., M.Si; Ilham Alimuddin |
Study of Vessel Traffic Regulation in the Makassar Port Sea Area Through Vessel Traffic System to Improve Safety of Ship Voyage | 2023 | PFK Internal Unhas | Sri Astuti Thamrin; Rahimuddin; Balqis Shintarahayu; Andi Amijoyo Mochtar; Andi Haris Muhammad |
Boundary Element Method Solution of Unsteady Boundary Value Problem Governed by Spatial-Time Dependent Laplace Equation for Functionally Graded Materials with Zero Initial and Source Terms | 2023 | Internal Unhas | Anna Islamiyati, Mohammad Ivan Azis Jeffry Kusuma Syamsuddin Toaha Khaeruddin Amiruddin Paulus Lobo Gareso |
Orthogonal and Angle Concept Development with Tools N-Norm Measure on Similarity of Data | 2023 | Internal Unhas | Anna Islamiyati ; Muh. Nur; Amir Kamal Amir ; Mawardi ;Muhammad Zakir ; Agus Bintara Birawida |
Utilization Pattern of Tempe Lake after Siltation in Perspective of Space and Relational Theory | 2023 | Internal Unhas | Anna Islamiyati , Sultan Hasbi, Buchari Mengge, Sudirman Karnay, Hariashari Rahim |
Bio-Nano Tea Dregs/Activated Carbon Composite as Smart, Clean, and Safe Adsorber for Industrial (Pb) and Medical (Phenol) Waste Decomposition | 2023 | PFK Internal Unhas | Siswanto , Prof. Dr. Dahlang Tahir, S.Si, M.Si. (Physics Laboratory) Prof. Dr. Bualkar Abdullah, M.Si. (Physics Laboratory) Heryanto, S.Si., M.Si. (Physics Laboratory) Safruddin, S.Si., M.Si. (Physics Laboratory) |
Combination of in silico testing of 1,3,5-trisubstituted pyrazolines as antimalarials through 3d-qsar analysis, molecular tethering and molecular dynamics simulation | 2023 | PFK Internal Unhas | Siswanto , Dr. Herlina Rasyid, S.Si. (Chemistry Laboratory), Prof. Dr. Nunuk Hariani Soekamto (Chemistry Laboratory), Dr. Muhammad Aswad, M.Si. (Chemistry Laboratory), |
Development of Quantile Nonparametric Regression Model Based on the Weighted Multivariable Spline Estimator in Detecting the Attack of Dengue Fever in Makassar City | 2022 | PDU Internal Unha | Anisa, Anna Islamiyati, Sitti Sahriman, Jusmawati Massalesse |
Rainfall Estimation Using Statistical Downscaling Model with Principal Component Regression and Latent Root Regression | 2022 | Internal Unhas | Sitti Sahriman |
Geographically Weighted Regression Modeling with Adaptive Gaussian Kernel Weighting on Stunting Cases in South Sulawesi Province | 2022 | Internal Unhas | Siswanto |
Potential of Marine Compounds as Medicinal Ingredients Using Cluster Analysis based on Chemical Similarity of Compounds | 2022 | Internal Unhas | Siswanto |
Structure Modification of Magnetite (FE3O4) from Nickel Slag As Microwave Absorbing & X-ray Radiation Shielding Material | 2022 | Internal Unhas | Siswanto; Heryanto |
Study of Existence and Uniqueness of Fixed Points of Contracting Functions in Weighted B-Metric Spaces | 2022 | Internal Unhas | Naimah Aris; Budi Nurwahyu; Firman |
Circulation Analysis and Forecasting of Fuel Sales Oil (BBM) Using the Backpropagation Artificial Neural Network Method | 2021 | Internal Unhas | Dr. Nirwan; Andi Asadul Islam; Willy Adhimarta; Elly Wahyudinl Djoko Widodo; Nasrullah |
Comparison of Principal Component Regression and Robust Principal Component Regression with Minimum Vector Variance on Statistical Downscaling Model | 2021 | Internal Unhas | Andi Kresna Jaya; Sitti Sahriman; Muh Amil Siddik |
Modeling Infant Mortality Rate in South Sulawesi Province Using Geographically Weighted Poisson Regression method with Fixed Bandwidth | 2021 | Internal Unhas | Siswanto; Edy Saputra |
Long-term Characterization of Mathematical Model of Carbonation Depth in Reinforced Concrete | 2021 | Internal Unhas | Naimah Aris; Nur Erawaty; Muhammad Zakir |
Risk Analysis on Insurance Company Management Motor Vehicle Based on Hawkess Process | 2020 | Internal Unhas | Dr. Nirwan; Dr. Nurtiti; Sitti Sahriman; Anisa |
Modeling Malaria Disease in Papua Province Using Simultaneous Autoregressive and Conditional Autoregressive Methods with Weight Matrix Up to Second Order | 2020 | Internal Unhas | Sri Astuti Thamrin; Siswanto |
Sales Segmentation Analysis of Household Industry Instant Sarabba Drinks in Makassar City with Nonparametric Penalized Spline | 2020 | Internal Unhas | Anna Islamiyati |
Development of Hawkess Process Based Risk Model on Motor Vehicle Insurance Management | 2019 | Internal Unhas | Dr. Nirwan; Dr. Nurtiti; Sitti Sahriman |
Statistical Downscaling Modeling with Liu-Type Regression For Forecasting Rainfall of Salt Producing Areas in the Regency | 2019 | Dikti | Sitti Sahriman |
Mathematical Model of CO2 Transport in Concrete Carbonation Process | 2019 | Internal Unhas | Naimah Aris |
Application of Monte Carlo Markov Chain (MCMC) Method in the Parameter Value Determination of Unstructured Model of Batch Fermentation System | 2018 | Internal Unhas | Anisa; Kasbawati; Andi Kresna Jaya |
Application of Monte Carlo Markov Chain Method in Parameter Value Determination of Unstructured Model of Batch Fermentation System | 2018 | Internal Unhas | Andi Kresna Jaya |
Analysis of Long-Term Dynamics of Systems with Equations Parabolic type m-Laplacian with Measure non Compactness | 2018 | Internal Unhas | Naimah Aris; Budi Nurwahyu; Kasbawati |
Pemodelan Matematika dan Simulasi Numerik Pengaruh Inhibisi Enzim Regulasi pada Jalur Metabolisme Utama Sel Ragi Saccharomyces cerevisiaea Mathematical Modeling and Numerical Simulation of the Effect of Inhibition of Regulatory Enzymes on Major Metabolic Pathways of Saccharomyces cerevisiae Yeast Cells | 2018 | Dikti | Naimah Aris; Kasbawati; Hasnah Natsir |
Determination of Saccharomyces cerevisiae Yeast Cell Growth Model on Batch Fermentation Data using Least Square Error Minimization Method | 2017 | Internal Unhas | Anisa; Kasbawati; Andi Kresna Jaya |
Mathematical Model of Optimization of Ethanol Production in Fermentation Reaction by Saccharomyces cerevisiae Yeast Cells | 2016 | Internal Unhas | Anisa; Kasbawati; Dr. Kharuddin; Dr. Hasna Natsir |