Bachelor Program in Statistics
Hasanuddin University

Standar Operating Procedure (SOP)

University level Academic Regulation and SOP can be accessed from: 

Regulasi Akademik (EN)

Standar Operating Procedures specific for Statistics Department:

1.Procedures for Evaluation of the 4 Semester Student Study PeriodDownload
2.Procedures for Evaluation of the 14 Semester Student Study PeriodDownload
3.Procedure for Internship ProgramDownload
4.Procedure for Proposed Thesis Supervisors and ExaminersDownload
5.Procedure for Proposed and Implementation Undergraduate Thesis Seminar IDownload
6.Procedure for Proposed and Implementation Undergraduate Thesis Seminar IIDownload
7.Procedure for Proposed and Implementation Thesis ExamDownload
8.Procedure for Issuing Diploma SupplementDownload
9.Procedure for Academic Leave PermitDownload
10.Procedure for Academic ResignationDownload
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