Program Studi Statistika
Universitas Hasanuddin

Pedoman Aktivitas

Community Service:

  1. Form, Reports, and Mechanism 
  2. Community Service Official Website :


  1. Guideline for Internship
  2. Logbook Format

Final Project:

  1. Manual for Topic and Advisor Proposal Guideline
  2. Guidelines of Final Project Information System
  3. Format for Writing Research Proposal of Final Project
  4. Manual for Seminar I Implementation and Cover Letter for Seminar 1 as the Assignment Letter
  5. Seminar I Assessment Rubric and Official Record of Seminar I
  6. Technical Guidelines for Writing the Final Project
  7. Manual for Seminar II Implementation
  8. Seminar II Assessment Rubric and Official Record of Seminar II
  9. Manual and Procedure for Undergraduate Thesis Examination
  10. Format for Undergraduate Thesis Cover, Validation Sheet, Statement of Authenticity, and Acknowledgement Sheet
  11. Undergraduate Thesis Examination Assessment Rubric and Official Record of Undergraduate Thesis Examination
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