The survey on the Evaluation of Fresh Graduate Competency Achievement aims to collect information and feedback from fresh graduates of BPS regarding the extent to which they perceive they have attained competencies in statistics during their academic years. In addition to measuring the level of competency achievement, surveys of this nature can assist the statistics program in continually improving the quality of education they offer and ensuring that graduates are prepared to face challenges in the job market related to statistics.
Figure below explains that most fresh graduates from BPS aspire to work in government agencies, accounting for 53.3%, while those interested in working in the private sector make up 31.1%. A small percentage of them wish to become entrepreneurs (2.2%), which is fewer than those who intend to advanced studies (13.3%). This implies that the majority of fresh graduates from BPS intend to enter the workforce immediately after completing their studies (84.4%).

Level of Attainment of The Fresh Graduate from BPS Competences Based on The Graduation Exit Survey.

Figure above represents the results of the Survey on the Evaluation of Fresh Graduate Competency Achievement conducted by BPS. Based on the average scores obtained, it is observed that the learning outcomes have reached a satisfactory level, ranging from 3.20 to 3.49 for ILO 1, ILO 3, ILO 4, ILO 5, ILO 6, ILO 7, ILO 8, and ILO 9. Meanwhile, for ILO 2 (Statistical Knowledge), it has achieved an excellent level (3.53). Although, in general, the learning outcomes have reached a good satisfaction level, efforts to improve quality should be emphasized in courses to enhance the level of achievement, particularly actions related to the competency of statistical reporting (ILO 8).