Survey Results
Teaching Learning Survey in 2023
The results of the evaluation of the learning process in 2023 were carried out on all courses with the results presented in the following figure:

The results of the learning process evaluation for each component of lecturer performance, student response regarding their knowledge benefit and attendance, and facilities are presented in the following figure:

Teaching Learning Survey in 2022
The results of the evaluation of the learning process in 2022 were carried out on all courses with the results presented in the following figure:

The results of the learning process evaluation for each component of lecturer performance, student response regarding their knowledge benefit and attendance, and facilities are presented in the following figure:

Teaching Learning Survey in 2021
The results of the evaluation of the learning process in 2021 were carried out on all courses with the results presented in the following figure:

The results of the learning process evaluation for each component of lecturer performance, student response regarding their knowledge benefit and attendance, and facilities are presented in the following figure:

The following figure presents a comparison of the evaluation results of the learning process in 2021-2023:

Student Workload Evaluation in 2023
The results of the evaluation of the learning process with regard to the student workload in all courses in the year 2023 are presented in the following image:

Student Workload Evaluation in 2022
The results of the evaluation of the learning process with regard to the student workload in all courses in the year 2022 are presented in the following image:

Student Workload Evaluation in 2021
The results of the evaluation of the learning process with regard to the student workload in all courses in the year 2021 are presented in the following image:

The following image presents a comparison of the student workload evaluation results in all courses from 2021 to 2023: