Aturan Penerimaan dan Biaya Kuliah
Admission Rules
The requirement for a student to apply to a university is to have graduated high school or its equivalent. There are three university entry pathways namely SNMPTN, SBMPTN, and local selection by the university.
- SNMPTN-Seleksi Nasional Masuk Perguruan Tinggi Negeri (National Selection of State University Entrance)
- SNMPTN is a university entrance route using report from first to the fifth semester for three years senior high school and academic achievements that have been held during school. Students with consistent academic scores and other achievements have the opportunity to take part in this selection.
- The student has an account at the LTMPT-Lembaga Tes Masuk Perguruan Tinggi (Institute for Higher Account) and it has been finalized. (
- The student has a NISN-Nomor Induk Siswa Nasional (National Student Number) and are registered in the-Portal Data Sekolah dan Siswa (School and Student Data Portal). (
- UTBK-SBMPTN, Ujian Tulis Berbasis Kumputer-Seleksi Bersama Masuk Perguruan Tinggi Negeri (Computer Based Writing Test-Joint Entrance Selection of State Universities)
- UTBK-SBMPTN is a selection route based on a written exam and is carried out openly through LTMPT account registration (
- Participants have a diploma as a high school graduate in the last two years.
- High school graduates in the last year must at least have a Class 12 Certificate signed by the school principal. The contents of the letter include the name of the student. NISN students, and a color passport photo.
- Local selection by universities
- UTBK-JNS, Ujian Tulis Berbasis Komputer-Jalur Non Subsidi (Non-Subsidized Independent Pathway), is one of the local selection pathways that recruits prospective students with academic achievements in addition to financial ability. Assessment of JNS track participants is based on UTBK scores and exam materials organized by the university. Applicants must be registered as SBMPTN participants, and those who have passed SBMPTN are not allowed to register in this route.
- POSK, Prestasi Olahraga, Seni, dan Keilmuan (Sports, Art and Scientific Achievement Pathway), one of the local selection pathways to recruit prospective students who have academic/sports/arts/scientific achievements, as evidenced by a certificate/charter/medal/
trophy during high school level or equivalent.
- SNMPTN-Seleksi Nasional Masuk Perguruan Tinggi Negeri (National Selection of State University Entrance)
Starting in 2023, there are three university entry pathways set by the Ministry of Education and Culture, namely SNBP from SNMPTN, SNBT from SBMPTN, and local selection by universities (
Tuition Fee
Amount of the fees/charges is based on the student’s economic background and the new student’s admission scheme. There are seven categories of tuition fees:
Category I:
This category is intended for students with economic background who are less fortunate as evidenced by the ownership of the Prosperous Family Card (KKS) from the government with more than 2 (two) siblings or orphans.
Category II:
This category is intended for students with economic background who are less able as evidenced by ownership of the Prosperous Family Card (KKS) from the government.
Category III:
This category is intended for students with economically disadvantaged backgrounds with income criteria of parents / guardians of students less than IDR. 1,500,000 (one million five hundred thousand rupiah) per month.
Category IV:
This category is specifically for new students receiving BIDIKMISI Scholarships.
Category V:
This category is for new students where parents/guardians have a regular income of up to IDR. 6,000,000 (six million rupiah) per month.
Category VI:
This category is intended for new students with income of parents/guardians of students more than IDR. 6,000,000 (six million rupiah) up to IDR. 12,000,000 (twelve million rupiah) per month.
Category VII:
This category is intended for new students with a parent / guardian income of more than IDR. 12,000,000 (twelve million rupiah) per month and new students who are accepted through the non-subsidized program unless determined by a separate decision.
Details of the payment amount can be seen in the following link: